Sunday, May 26, 2013

Bouphonia 2013


Hoping you've all had a great couple of weeks. It's been great seeing the spring come into bloom around here.

Today's Festival

Today we celebrated the Bouphonia, a festival that goes back so far that the Athenians apparently were known to wonder just why they were celebrating it. Our modern understanding is a celebration of Zeus as the Protector of Justice and of Law.

As you can see, rather that slaughtering an ox and then stuffing it to pretend it was alive again, we be-ribboned one that had never been alive in the first place.

There is also some evidence that this was also a time for recognizing the city's honored dead. Given that we are celebrating Memorial Day in the United States, it made sense to include this aspect with offerings to our heroes and ancestors.

Coming Events

June 9Panaphobeia
June 23Philokhoria
July 6-7Anadikia/Athenian New Year
July 21Therapeia/Healing Festival
August 10RI Pagan Pride
August 18Founders' Festival

Until next time, have a great couple of weeks!


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