Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Revival of the Philokhoria Puppet Show!


Today we celebrated the Philokhoria.

The original paper puppets have been retired due to wear and tear.  So today, in the Pagan Arts & Crafts portion of our festival, we created their sock puppet successors.  Shown above left to right are Helios, the chorus (representing a stag, a beautiful youth, and a beautiful woman), and Zeus in the first row, and Pan, Apollon, and Artemis in the back.  The play was dramatized as part of ritual, complete with sock puppet Artemis and Pan dancing and Apollon playing the tambourine.

Next weekend is the Anadikia and Hephestaia, after which the calendar for the upcoming year will be posted.

Until then, may the blessings of the Gods be with you!