Sunday, September 25, 2016

Fall Festival (and everything since Philokhoria)


So, since the last post, which was apparently in June, quite a few things have happened.

We had our annual Anadikia retreat back in July at the Temenos Retreat Center in Massachusetts.

We set up a number of shrine spaces over the weekend.  One to all the Theoi.

One for the Agathos Daimon of the Temple and one for the Ancestors.

And one for the Household Gods.

Others were set up at need for various rituals.  One ritual to Pan that we did outdoors utilized the already-present stone labyrinth.

It was a very intense and renewing experience for all.

In August, we celebrated the Founders Festival, which is now the time of washing the statues and cleansing the temple space as well as celebrating all the Gods.

A new priest to Poseidon was ordained at the Priest Retreat on Labor Day Weekend.  There was also some brainstorming amongst the priests about continuing their education and how that works post-ordination.

The following week, the temple was on the road to Lakeville for Pagan Pride Day, which included a small ritual to Pan, and a performance by our own Scarlet Rose with the dance troupe she has joined, Blue Moon Caravan.

And that brings us to today's festival in which we celebrated Demeter and Kore's relationship,

the wedding of Hades and Persephone (which took place in the Temple of Hera, Hermes, and Dionysos),

and Persephone's descent to the Underworld.


For a game, we chose The Game of Nasty Things in honor of the woman who attempted to cheer Demeter up through the telling of raunchy jokes.

Our upcoming festivals of Puanepsia and Oskhophoria will be on the 7th and 8th of October at another location, and the Genesia will be on October 30 back at the main temple.

Until next time, may the blessings of the Gods be with you!

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