Saturday, August 24, 2013

Founders Festival 2013


This Week's Festival

On Sunday, 11 Therapeion/August 18 we celebrated the HTAZP Founders Festival, the Temple's 8th birthday since its founding in 2005.

The Patrons of the Temple were honored specifically with offerings and prayers.

And the Goddess of the month, Artemis, was honored as well. Her message, "It is necessary to labor; change will be admirable," seems fitting in the context of reviewing the Temple's history and planning its future.

After thusia and during theoxenia, we took a trip down memory lane, viewing pictures of the Temple going back to its start as a portion of a room to a dedicated but small room to its current location and size.  

We also discussed the ways the Temple group has grown over the years, particularly the exciting seminary group that will be ordained at the beginning of September and installed at the Temple on the Noumenia of Panagonion. We acknowledged also the connections the Temple has been making in the larger Pagan community, symbolized by the offering ribbons still adorning Hestia and Her shrine from Rhode Island Pagan Pride.

Upcoming Events

1 Panagonion/September 6 (eve)Installation of the Newly Ordained Priests and Priestess
9 Panagonion/September 15Panagon
23 Panagonion/September 29Fall Festival
22 Pyanepsion/October 27Puanepsia and Oskhophoria

That's it for now. Have a wonderful rest of August, and see you in September!


Monday, August 12, 2013

Rhode Island Pagan Pride 2013


This past weekend, HTAZP had our first booth at Rhode Island Pagan Pride.

As you can see, we offered Reiki sessions with a table in back of the booth for readings, and a variety of ritual supplies from incenses and oils to soaps and jewelry. We had quite a few people stop by. Some were people who worship the Theoi and were unaware there was a group in the area, others were simply curious about a form of Paganism they hadn't encountered before. We had loads of interesting conversations and made quite a few new friends.

We also did the main ritual for the festival. Given that the theme of Pagan Pride is community, our ritual was to Hestia, Goddess of hearth, home, hospitality, and community.

Offerings for theoxenia were oranges and bananas. Also offered, as you can see, were ribbons. All participants received a candle blessed by Hestia to bring home. It was a treat to worship with so many others, some of whom were learning of Hestia for the first time but all of whom seemed moved by the experience.

Coming Events

11 Therapeion/August 18Founders' Festival
9 Panagonion/September 15Panagon
23 Panagonion/September 29Fall Festival
22 Pyanepsion/October 27Puanepsia and Oskhophoria

That's all for now.

Be well,